Chisel is a software tool for carving and cutting Debian packages!
Chisel can derive a minimal Ubuntu-like Linux distribution
using a release database that defines "slices" of existing packages.
Slices enable developers to cherry-pick just the files they need
from the Ubuntu archives, and combine them to create a new
filesystem which can be packaged into an OCI-compliant
container image or similar.
Usage: chisel <command> [<options>...]
Commands can be classified as follows:
Basic: help, version
Action: cut
For more information about a command, run 'chisel help <command>'.
For a short summary of all commands, run 'chisel help --all'.
This snap can only install the slices in a location inside the
user $HOME directory i.e. the --root option in "cut" command
should have a location inside the user $HOME directory.