fcbtest is Rally + Tempest + refstack tests
Snap for running tests for Openstack platform using Rally framework, Tempest verifier and tests from refstack.
Works in completely offline environment.
Running in strict confinement.
sudo snap install fcbtest
How to run tests :
- Source openrc
- fcbtest.rallyinit
- fcbtest.tempestinit
- fcbtest.rally verify start --load-list testlist.txt --detailed
Make sure to fix the tempest.conf with image ID's, network ID's etc to pass all tests.
fcbtest.rally verify start --pattern tempest.api.compute.images.test_images_oneserver.ImagesOneServerTestJSON.test_create_delete_image
fcbtest.rally.verify start --load-list testlist.txt --detailed
with test lists form Refstack: