Japplis Toolbox is a compilation of text utilities.
Japplis Toolbox is a compilation of text utilities in one application.
- URL encoding and decoding
- Base64 encoding and decoding
- XML encoding and decoding
- Query parameters encoding and decoding
- Hex encoding and decoding
- ROT 13, ROT 47 encoding and decoding
- Java Unicode encoding and decoding
- Integer from / to hexadecimal
- Integer from / to binary
- Morse encoding and decoding
- Cyrillic (to Romanian) encoding and decoding
- Volapuk encoding and decoding
- Sort
- Reverse
- Shuffle
- Number
- Delete duplicates
- Trim spaces
- Extract words
- Join
- Sort by length
- Remove empty
- Delete 1 out of 2
- Count occurrences
- Format HTML/XML
- Format JSON
- Prefix characters
- Suffix characters
- Split regexp
- Keep regexp(1)
- Remove regexp(1)
- Keep lines with regexp
- Remove lines with regexp
- Contain regexp
- Replace regexp (e.g. (.)x(.)->$2x$1)
- Find regexp
- Extract from files
- Count in files
- To lowercase regexp(1)
- To uppercase regexp(1)
- Long to date
- Date to long
(1) if the regular expression contains groups, only the groups are kept/removed/updated.
Text Characteristics
- Text length / character count
- Word count
- Line count
- XML validate
- Hashcode
- MD2
- MD5
- CRC32
- Adler32
- Blake3
- SHA-1
- SHA-256
- SHA-384
- SHA-512
- SHA3
- Java System properties
- Java Swing UI Defaults
- Computer Environment properties
- Character map (Character, Hexadecimal, Decimal, Name, Main Category)
- Bookmark / history on some text fields
- Window always on top option
- Window translucent option
- Many skins including a few dark themes included