logcat-colorize is a software that parses Android logcat from stdin output and prints it to stdout with improved formatting. Colors are added to the output to make it clearer. You'll still be able to add filters using the adb command. logcat-colorize is written in C++ for best performance.
For more info on how to use or to report bugs refer to: https://github.com/carlonluca/logcat-colorize.
- Simplest usage: adb logcat | logcat-colorize
- Using specific device, with time details, and filtering: adb -s emulator-5556 logcat -v time System.err:V *:S | logcat-colorize
- Piping to grep for regex filtering (much better than adb filter): adb logcat -v time | egrep -i '(sensor|wifi)' | logcat-colorize
- Colorize log dump: cat mydump.txt | logcat-clorize
- Spotlight: adb logcat | logcat-colorize -s <spotlight_pattern>
- Pipe from file: cat my_logcat_output.txt | logcat-colorize