GAM is a command line tool for Google Workspace admins.
GAM is a command line tool for Google Workspace admins to manage domain and
user settings quickly and easily.
This is an unofficial snap package, which patches the source code to enable a
multi-user install, while we await resolution of upstream issues:
Per-user settings are stored in $HOME/snap/gam-bp/common/.config/gam
Global (immutable) settings are stored in /snap/gam-bp/current/lib/python3.10/site-packages/
This snap adds two opinionated global settings, disabling both update checks
(to update, refresh the snap itself instead), and also disabling short URLs.
Migrating existing authorisation settings from a manual install to the snap is
cp /path/to/manual/gam/{*.json,oauth2.txt*} ~/snap/gam-bp/common/.config/gam/
For simplicity's sake, it's also recommended to add a snap alias:
sudo snap alias gam-bp.gam gam
Snap recipe: