Alien Carnage - Halloween Harry

Alien Carnage - Halloween Harry

Install latest/stable of Alien Carnage - Halloween Harry

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

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sudo snap install alien-carnage

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Channel Version Published

Great shooter

Is Halloween Harry the only person left on Earth who can save humanity from being transformed into zombified slaves? Yup. And, as luck would have it, you\'re Halloween Harry. The invasion is centered in New York City, where a space ship has burrowed its way under a skyscraper. With weapons of mass destruction to back you up, you\'ll try to blow away each and every alien in order to get to the mother ship and save the planet. Various missions and three levels of play give ALIEN CARNAGE high replay value.

Details for Alien Carnage - Halloween Harry

  • unset

Last updated
  • 5 May 2023 - latest/stable
  • 27 January 2024 - latest/edge



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Where people are using Alien Carnage - Halloween Harry

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Ubuntu 24.10