apig-swagger-ui (for AWS)

Install latest/stable of apig-swagger-ui (for AWS)

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

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Install using the command line

sudo snap install apig-swagger-ui

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Channel Version Published

Command line tool for generating OpenAPI spec and Swagger UI from AWS API Gateway

This command line tool generates a static Swagger UI website that incorporates the API specifications of your AWS API Gateway APIs. The generated website files are stored locally on your file system, and if desired, the tool can also launch a local server for convenient previewing.

Only APIs that have been mapped to custom domains will be included in the generated website.

Prior to using this tool, please ensure that you are logged into your AWS account using a suitable command line tool like aws, saml2aws, okta-aws, or similar.

Please note that this tool is not provided or endorsed by AWS, and if you want it to utilise your AWS credentials and configurations stored under ~/.aws, you will need to explictly grant it the permission to do so either through GUI or sudo snap connect apig-swagger-ui:dot-aws-config-credentials.

Quick start

Try something like this:

 $ apig-swagger-ui -r ap-southeast-2  -s
 Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://tools-prod.example.com/
 Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://tools-staging.example.com/
 Generating OpenAPI spec for: https://api.example.com/
 Local server started. Ctrl-C to stop. Access URL: http://localhost:8001/

For more information and detailed instructions, you can visit the GitHub repository at: https://github.com/james-hu/apig-swagger-ui

Details for apig-swagger-ui (for AWS)

  • Apache-2.0

Last updated
  • 16 January 2024 - latest/stable
  • 16 January 2024 - latest/edge


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Install apig-swagger-ui (for AWS) on your Linux distribution

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Where people are using apig-swagger-ui (for AWS)

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04