
Install latest/stable of aws-serverless-dataflow

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Channel Version Published

Visualisation of AWS serverless (Lambda, API Gateway, SNS, SQS, etc.) components

aws-serverless-dataflow is a command line tool that can help visualsing the connections and dataflows among various AWS serverless components, such as AWS Lambda, API Gateway, SNS, SQS, etc. It surveys the serverless components in your AWS account, and then generates static website content that can be hosted on a website for viewing the diagrams.

The generated visual representation can help users to understand the architecture and data flow of their serverless application, and identify any issues or opportunities for optimisation.

Please note that this tool is not provided or endorsed by AWS, and if you want it to utilise your AWS credentials and configurations stored under ~/.aws, you will need to explictly grant it the permission to do so either through GUI or sudo snap connect aws-serverless-dataflow:dot-aws-config-credentials.

Quick start

Try something like this:

 $ aws-serverless-dataflow -r ap-southeast-2 -i '*boi*' -i '*datahub*' -x '*jameshu*' -c -s
 Surveyed 11/42 domains in API Gateway
 Surveyed 72/224 queues in SQS
 Surveyed 48/209 topics in SNS
 Surveyed 65/250 subscriptions in SNS
 Surveyed 100/1115 stacks in CloudFormation
 Surveyed 98 REST APIs and 54 HTTP APIs in API Gateway
 (1/2) Surveying API Gateway, SQS, SNS and CloudFormation... done
 Surveyed 85/410 buckets in S3
 Surveyed 120/464 functions in Lambda
 (2/2) Surveying S3 and Lambda... done
 Finished survey in 72.672 seconds
 Generating static website content in 'dataflow'... done
 Local server started. Ctrl-C to stop. Access URL: http://localhost:8002/

And you should be able to see the diagram in your browser.

For more information on how to use aws-serverless-dataflow and the available options and arguments, visit or run the aws-serverless-dataflow --help command.


   $ aws-serverless-dataflow  [PATH] [-v] [-h] [-r <value>] [-i
     <value>] [-x <value>] [-c] [-s] [-p <value>] [-l <value>] [-q] [-d]

   PATH  [default: dataflow] path for putting generated website files

   -c, --cloud-formation      survey CloudFormation stack information (this takes
                             more time)
   -d, --debug                output debug messages
   -h, --help                 Show CLI help.
   -i, --include=<value>...   [default: *] wildcard patterns for domain names and
                             ARN of Lambda functions/SNS topics/SQS queues that
                             should be includeed
   -l, --parallelism=<value>  [default: 4] approximately how many AWS API calls
                             are allowed at the same time
   -p, --port=<value>         [default: 8002] port number of the local http
                             server for preview
   -q, --quiet                no console output
   -r, --region=<value>       AWS region (required if you don't have AWS_REGION
                             environment variable configured)
   -s, --server               start a local http server and open a browser for
                             pre-viewing generated website
   -v, --version              Show CLI version.
   -x, --exclude=<value>...   wildcard patterns for domain names and ARN of
                             Lambda functions/SNS topics/SQS queues that should
                             be excluded

   $ aws-serverless-dataflow -r ap-southeast-2 -s

   $ aws-serverless-dataflow -r ap-southeast-2 -s -i '*boi*' -i '*datahub*' \
         -x '*jameshu*' -c

   $ aws-serverless-dataflow -r ap-southeast-2 -s -i '*lr-*' \
         -i '*lead*' -x '*slack*' -x '*lead-prioritization*' \
         -x '*lead-scor*' -x '*LeadCapture*' -c

Details for aws-serverless-dataflow

  • Apache-2.0

Last updated
  • 26 August 2023 - latest/stable
  • 26 August 2023 - latest/edge


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Where people are using aws-serverless-dataflow

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04