
Install latest/stable of BetterSIS

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install bettersis

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Channel Version Published

The modern shell for SIS (the circuit simulator and optimizer)

Bettersis, or bsis for short, is an interactive shell that allows you to control SIS (the tool for synthesis and optimization of sequential circuits) more easily than its default shell thanks to modern features such as:

  • command autocompletion
  • command history
  • command suggestions

This snap is bundled together with SIS itself. If you would prefer to use your SIS installation with betterSIS instead please check out the other ways to install betterSIS here: (This is also where you can find betterSIS' source code)

> Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with the SIS developers in any way.

> The SIS license file can be found inside the snap here: /snap/bettersis/current/usr/share/doc/sis/COPYING or in the source code here:

In short: Permission to [...] distribute this software [...] without a written agreement is hereby granted provided that the software comes with the complete license file content.

Details for BetterSIS

  • MIT

Last updated
  • 7 September 2021 - latest/stable
  • 10 November 2023 - latest/edge

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