Cosmic Comics

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Channel Version Published

Comics and Manga Reader

This Application is a Comics and Manga reader. Wrote in Javascript, using Electron, NodeJS.

This is all you can do with this software and more:

 Read CBR, CBZ, CB7, CBT, ZIP, RAR, 7z, TAR, PDF, EPUB, Folder which contains PNG, JPG, JPEG, BMP.
 Display your books and navigate your folders with custom covers (automaticatly by extraction or manually set)
 Set your books as Read, Unread, Reading or favorite and note them.
 Many Customizable parameters
 Zoom, Auto Background Color, Double page Mode, Blank first page, No double page for Horizontal, Manga Mode, Webtoon Mode, fullscreen, rotations, Bookmarks, Slideshow, SideBar, Hide Menu Bar.
 Display information about Comics/ Manga
 Libraries with API support
 Continue reading where you stopped and more...

Details for Cosmic Comics

  • AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0+

Last updated
  • 19 November 2023 - latest/stable



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Where people are using Cosmic Comics

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 24.10
Ubuntu 23.10
Ubuntu 18.04
Linux Mint 22
pop 22.04
Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 23.04
Zorin OS 17