.NET 9.0 Runtime

.NET 9.0 Runtime

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Install latest/stable of .NET 9.0 Runtime

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Install using the command line

sudo snap install dotnet-runtime-90

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Channel Version Published

.NET 9.0 Runtime

The .NET Runtime is an open-source, cross-platform framework that allows your applications to run on Windows, macOS, and Linux. It provides the flexibility to build and deploy apps across multiple environments, all while being supported by an active open-source community.

With .NET, you can develop applications that work seamlessly across different platforms without worrying about compatibility issues. Its open-source nature ensures ongoing improvements, making it a reliable choice for building scalable and high-performance applications.

Details for .NET 9.0 Runtime

  • GPL-3.0+ OR MIT

Last updated
  • 20 March 2025 - latest/stable
  • 20 March 2025 - latest/edge

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Install .NET 9.0 Runtime on your Linux distribution

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Where people are using .NET 9.0 Runtime

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 24.10
Debian 12
pop 22.04
Zorin OS 17
Linux Mint 22.1
Ubuntu 18.04
Linux Mint 21.3
Debian 11
Linux Mint 22
Arch Linux