
Install latest/stable of eask-cli

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Channel Version Published

CLI for building, runing, testing, and managing your Emacs Lisp dependencies

Eask was built to use as a package development tool in your Elisp packages. But now, Eask supports various types of Emacs Lisp tasks. It can be used in three major ways:

  1. Dev tool for Elisp packages
  2. Dependency management for your configuration
  3. Run elisp programs for all other purposes

So what are the major differences between Eask and other build tools like [Cask][], [makem.sh][], and [Eldev][], other than the things above?

Good question! Eask is more than a build tool now, it can be used for various purposes! But here are Eask aims to be:

  • Consistent enough to sandbox across all systems
  • General enough to have Emacsers frequently used commands (byte-compile, checkdoc, etc)
  • Robust enough to provide useful results even in the presence of user errors
  • Dependency-free so that the tool can be run on any platform

P.S. See [Why Eask?](https://emacs-eask.github.io/Getting-Started/Introduction/#-why-eask) for more detailed information.

Details for eask-cli

  • GPL-3.0+

Last updated
  • 14 October 2024 - latest/stable
  • Yesterday - latest/edge



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Where people are using eask-cli

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Ubuntu 24.04