
Install latest/stable of Fairtris

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Channel Version Published

A fair implementation of Classic Tetris® video game.

Fairtris is a video game, a clone of the 32-year-old Tetris® game produced by Nintendo for the Famicom and NES consoles, designed for modern Windows systems. Fairtris is not an emulator — it is a full-fledged game, created from scratch in Free Pascal language (using the Lazarus IDE) and with OpenGL support via the SDL library. Thanks to this combination, it is super-fast and ultra-light.

This project was initially created as a tool to test various RNG algorithms, but after some time it turned into a complete and rich video game that provides lots of fun. However, since Tetris® is a proprietary brand to which The Tetris Company is entitled, Fairtris is not a product — it is a knowledge base for those who would like to know more about the internal mechanisms of the classic version of this game.

Important features

  • implementation of gameplay mechanics compatible with the Nintendo Tetris® game,
  • DAS mechanics fixed and spin buffering added, making the controls fabulously responsive,
  • extended mechanics with basic wall kick, hard-drop and multi-spawn soft-drop,
  • support for EIGHT regional versions of the game, including original NTSC and PAL versions,
  • support for as many as SEVEN random piece generators, including the classic RNG,
  • support for free marathon and speedrun modes, qualifications and matches with same piece set,
  • the ability to start the game from any level up to the killscreen,
  • the ability to play on a keyboard or any USB controller (with input mapping support),
  • supports window mode and exclusive video mode,
  • support for additional meters, such as TRT, BRN, as well as gain popup,
  • stores the best results for each game region and RNG type,
  • has a pause menu with the ability to quickly restart the game and change settings,
  • shows the game summary screen after each game,
  • support for two themes (minimalistic dark and classic skin),
  • possibility to use it with NestrisChamps and MaxoutClub,
  • it's light and very fast — should run smoothly even on a heavily loaded PC,
  • it is fully portable, no installation required,
  • and many more!

Snap source: https://github.com/chronoscz/Fairtris

Details for Fairtris

  • NLPL

Last updated
  • 16 February 2022 - latest/stable


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Where people are using Fairtris

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 24.10
Zorin OS 17