Install latest/stable of fce-ipmi

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install fce-ipmi

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Channel Version Published

fce-ipmi simplifies interaction with `ipmitool`

fce-ipmi is a wrapper for ipmitool utility. Therefore you must have ipmitool tool installed in your system.

The wrapper pulls necessary information about the machines, such as BMC hostname / IP address, username and password from the YAML file. By default ./config/nodes.yaml file is parsed for this information. You can explicitly specify the location of machines config file with an option -f, --machine-config.

Alternatively, the file can be specified in the configuration file (~/.local/share/fce-ipmi/config) as a vaulue of the key machine-config-path. [NOT IMPLEMENTED]

This tool supports bash completion. Press tab key twice to display available commands, parameters, machine names etc. [NOT IMPLEMENTED]

Details for fce-ipmi

  • MIT

Last updated
  • 7 November 2022 - latest/stable

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