Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest

Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest

Dadu042 Publisher

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Channel Version Published

Adventure game 1992

Grandad, who is rather old, has a habit of placing things in strange places and then forget where he has put them. One morning he wakes up and discovers that there is a bit of a nip in the air. He decides that he'll need to put on his string vest but he can't remember where it is. You have to help grandad find it. Guide grandad around his house, gather items, talk to people, solve puzzles and unlock doors.

Details :

  • 2023 fan game remake of a 1992 Atari ST video game. Remake made with Adventure Game Studio, the remake has no sound nor music.
  • Language: english.
  • Interface: mouse (point and click).

Details for Grandad and The Quest for The Holey Vest

  • unset

Last updated
  • 4 December 2024 - latest/stable


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