Green Collectives

Install latest/stable of Green Collectives

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install green-collectives

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Channel Version Published

Enhancing Productivity for Military & Shooting Enthusiasts

Green Collectives exists to solve relevant problems and inefficiencies faced by U.S. Army service members and gun enthusiasts. Users have access Green Collective's collaborative file sharing platform, a comprehensive list of relevant military website links compiled in one location, current events in real time, and access to challenging workouts designed by Green Beret's. Shooting enthusiasts can build custom range's by choosing from over 140 drills with an option to preview, and print the range to a downloadable PDF.

Details for Green Collectives

  • Apache-2.0

Last updated
  • 6 December 2023 - latest/stable


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Where people are using Green Collectives