

vzhd1701 Publisher

Install latest/stable of gridplayer

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install gridplayer

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Channel Version Published

Play multiple videos side-by-side

Simple VLC-based media player that can play multiple videos at the same time. You can play as many videos as you like, the only limit is your hardware. It supports all video formats that VLC supports (which is all of them). You can save your playlist retaining information about the position, sound volume, loops, aspect ratio, etc.


  • Support for any video and audio format (VLC)
  • Support for (almost) any streaming URLs (streamlink + yt-dlp)
  • Hardware & software video decoding
  • Control video aspect, playback speed, zoom
  • Set loop fragments with frame percision
  • Configurable grid layout
  • Easy swap videos with drag-n-drop
  • Playlist retains settings for each video

Details for gridplayer

  • GPL-3.0+

Last updated
  • 23 August 2023 - latest/stable
  • 17 October 2023 - latest/edge



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Install gridplayer on your Linux distribution

Choose your Linux distribution to get detailed installation instructions. If yours is not shown, get more details on the installing snapd documentation.

Where people are using gridplayer

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 24.10
Ubuntu 18.04
Debian 12
Ubuntu 23.04
Ubuntu 23.10
Linux Mint 21.3
pop 22.04
Ubuntu 22.10
Zorin OS 15
Ubuntu 16.04
Zorin OS 17