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Install humble/stable of husarion-rplidar

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Install using the command line

sudo snap install husarion-rplidar

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Channel Version Published

RPLIDAR ROS 2 driver for Husarion robots

The husarion-rplidar snap contains all the necessary software to bring the RPLIDAR LIDARS up.


The snap provides the following configurable parameters (param name: default value):

  • configuratin: custom
  • driver: {...}
  • ros: {...}

The ros contains the following keys:

  • ros.domain-id: 0 - Sets the ROS_DOMAIN_ID environment variable for the ROS driver.
  • ros.localhost-only: 0 - Sets the ROS_LOCALHOST_ONLY environment variable for the ROS driver.
  • ros.transport: udp - Configures DDS transport. Options are udp, shm, builtin (or rmw_fastrtps_cpp), rmw_cyclonedds_cpp. Corresponding DDS XML files can be found in the /var/snap/rosbot-xl/common directory (custom FastDDS setups can also be created here).
  • ros.namespace: (unset) - Namespace for all topics and transforms.

The driver contains the following keys:

  • channel-type: serial
  • serial-port: auto
  • serial-baudrate: 256000
  • frame-id: laser
  • inverted: false
  • angle-compensate: true
  • scan-mode: (unset)
  • device-namespace: (unset)

To set the parameters, use the snap set command, e.g.,

snap set husarion-rplidar driver.device-namespace=front_lidar

Details for husarion-rplidar

  • unset

Last updated
  • 16 August 2024 - humble/stable
  • 16 August 2024 - jazzy/stable



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Where people are using husarion-rplidar