
Install latest/stable of Imprimis

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install imprimis-game

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Channel Version Published

3D FPS destroyable world shooter

A first person 3D multiplayer shooter designed around terrain modification. Destroy and build the level to modify the playing field to your advantage, and play against other players online using the integrated server interface.

You can run the game with imprimis-game once the snap package has been installed.

Built on the fast and fully dynamic Libprimis engine, Imprimis is capable of fully realtime lighting effects to go along with its realtime world modification.

Fully open source with 100% permissively licensed assets.

This game is in an alpha state and releases monthly snapshots to stable with more verification than the daily edge builds.

Multiplayer playtests are conducted at 1 PM PST/ 4 PM EST/ 10 PM CET on Sundays weekly, for a chance to play with other players and developers.

Details for Imprimis

  • zlib-acknowledgement

Last updated
  • 3 July 2024 - latest/stable
  • 1 January 2025 - latest/edge


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