Arc Aurora Cursor Theme
This snap contains the Arc Aurora Cursors Theme. Arc Aurora Cursors is an x-cursor theme inspired by macOS and based on capitaine-cursors.
All credit goes to the original cursor developer @yeyushengfan258.
Thanks to @jollygoose for the template building a snap of a cursor theme and his/her useful instructions which I copied here.
Applying the theme
To apply the theme to a single application, perform the following:
sudo snap connect [snap-you-want-to-theme]:icon-themes arcaurora-cursors:icon-themes
To apply to all applications run the following command. Thanks to @flexiondotorg for the handy loop.
for plug in $(snap connections | grep gtk-common-themes:icon-themes | awk '{print $2}'); do sudo snap connect ${plug} arcaurora-cursors:icon-themes; done
NOTE: Some apps like the Ubuntu Snap Store may require logging out, and back in to load the changes.