Ad silencer for Spotify
Calaboka connects to your Spotify player to silence ads played between tracks. Its background service discreetly monitors Spotify without getting in your way. When an ad starts to play, Spotify is muted immediately. When the next track begins, the volume is faded back in. You can open the Calaboka app to see what's going on, including how many ads you were spared from.
Installation note: If the install fails with error "experimental feature disabled", please run the following command and try again: sudo snap set system experimental.user-daemons=true
Release notes:
- v1.7.0: Improved and more precise volume control while handling ads
Disclaimer: Calaboka cannot mute ads built into a track (such as ads inside a podcast), skip ads, nor block visual ads. And it only works with the official Spotify app installed from the Snap Store or via the snap command.
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