Ovolic is a Local based Freelancing Marketplace which can provide the best freelancing experience.
Ovolic is good for freelancers as Soldiers -
You can do what you love as we represent all and every occupation, have endless jobs, and never get fired (if we get a complaint about a soldier then we will only block the soldier for a week, then they can go back to work), direct relationships with employers as your generals so you get paid more and your generals will pay less, and as a soldier, you can post multiple Gigs and work multiple jobs...
Ovolic is good for employers as Generals -
You will have endless local soldiers at your fingertips, you will have direct relationships with your soldiers and avoid paying agencies expensive rates, and you can rate soldiers to communicate their positive or negative traits, and post jobs so soldiers can bid on them...
Search Gigs & Jobs based on your location -
Ovolic is the first localized freelancing service where freelancers are called soldiers and where employers are called generals, and because we are local, we can represent every and all occupations; so whatever you do we have a category for it at ovolic.com...