command line program for manipulating and altering images
pictool is a command line program for manipulating and altering images.
It's mostly useful for image metadata manipulation.
Here's the currently available commands:
$ pictool -h
usage: pictool [-h]
{md-tag-list,image-region-add,image-region-remove,gps-set,gps-get,location-set,face- normalize,gps-get-from-query} ...
Working with images and image metadata
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
sub-command help:
md-tag-list List all metadata tags for the given picture(s)
image-region-add Add image metadata region to the given picture(s)
Remove image metadata region
gps-set Modify GPS data for the given picture(s). This does not set the GPS data if the picture(s) already contains GPS data.
gps-get Show GPS location
location-set Set location info based on the available GPS data for the given picture(s). This sets tags like Iptc.Application2.CountryCode
face-normalize Normalize faces from images and store results in new images
gps-get-from-query Get the GPS coords from a given (address) query. This command does *not* use any picture(s). It is just a helper.It uses the nominatim service from openstreetmap