The TLA Toolbox is an IDE for the TLA+ tools.
The TLA Toolbox is an IDE (integrated development environment) for the TLA+ tools.
You can use it to:
- Create and edit your specs, with the locations of parsing errors marked in the modules.
- Run the PlusCal translator, with the locations of translation errors marked in the PlusCal code.
- View the pretty-printed versions of your modules.
- Run the TLC model checker. You do this by creating one or more models, which specify the
information TLC needs to check the spec: what the spec is, what properties to check, the values
to substitute for constant parameters, etc. Among the features the Toolbox provides is an error
trace viewer and explorer that allows you to:
- Explore a structured view of the states.
- See exactly what parts of the state are changed in each step.
- Evaluate arbitrary state and action formulas at each step in the trace.
- Run TLAPS, the TLA+ proof system.