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Channel Version Published

150 games, mostly logic, under one window

BTM Pro (Net+) = (Briscola, Tressette, Madrasso), Yap Yamb (Net+), Yea Chess, Monopoly INT, Puzz, Geex, Moc, Zookey, Thux, Zoodoku, Memory, Tac 3D, Minesweeper, Battleships, Dominow, Micro Mastermind, Panel de Pon, Tetris, Hextris, Tangram, Checkers, Chinese Checkers, PushNPull Sokoban, Connect Four, GoMoku, Reversi, Hanoi, Inertia, Klotski, Sudoku, Fifteen, Kakuro, Byss 2048, Snakes and Ladders, Simon Says, Finty Flush, Zuma Twisted, Solitaire, Mahjong, Backgammon, Klopodrom... Logyx Pack can be played in variable window size, or fixed window size, or full screen. For most of these games you can adjust options to make them suitable for almost any age player. They all have basic but understandable descriptions. BTM Pro (Net+) consists of 3 card games Briscola, Tressette and Madrasso. Play ordinary or double type of Briscola, and Tressette with or without declarations. Cards are one player against the computer, or network game (2 players, or 4 players in 2 pairs) over LAN/Internet. BTM Pro includes 10 additional card decks and space for 5 custom decks that you can create. Yap Yamb (Net+) (Jamb) is a four column, advanced Yahtzee-like, dice game for 1 to 5 players. Play it versus computer player(s) or your friends, offline or on a LAN/Internet. Customize number of players, type of players, disabled columns and rows, number of dices, additional roll. There is also detailed statistics. Yea Chess is a chess versus computer. It has a simple interface and quick and strong artificial intelligence. You can adjust the strength of the computer player and save games. Monopoly INT is a classic Monopoly board game for 2 to 4 players with a twist. Main twist in layout is that streets are replaced by countries. Monopoly INT rules are dynamic and flexible, and the difference is also that all the properties in a color must be owned by any of players to buy the houses and hotels. BTM, Yamb and Monopoly have the Croatian translation too. For example, you can play BTM Pro or Yap Yamb over network with your friends from other city or even other country.

Details for LogyxPack

  • unset

Last updated
  • 14 May 2023 - latest/stable
  • 27 January 2024 - latest/edge



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Where people are using LogyxPack

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Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 24.10
Ubuntu 20.04
Zorin OS 17
Ubuntu 18.04
Zorin OS 16