M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter

M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter

Lucy Llewellyn (lucyllewy) Publisher Star developer Star developer

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A 2D space shooter with awesome visual effects and attractive physics.

M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter is a 2D space shooter with awesome visual effects and attractive physics. Players can battle each other or computer controlled enemies in exciting game modes.

The Story: In year 3547, civilizations all over the galaxy have settled their own planets, living in peace and harmony with its environment. But outside the contemplative habitats, the GREAT WAR is raging. As a famous fighter on your way to never ending honor and prosperity, you have to protect your planet from the oncoming doom of your jealous neighbours!

Upstream Project: http://mars-game.sourceforge.net/ snapcraft.yaml Build Definition: https://github.com/diddlesnaps/M.A.R.S./blob/master/snap/snapcraft.yaml

Details for M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter

  • Proprietary

Last updated
  • 12 July 2021 - latest/stable
  • 9 June 2024 - latest/edge



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Where people are using M.A.R.S. - a ridiculous shooter

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Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 18.04
Zorin OS 17
Ubuntu 24.10
Zorin OS 16
Ubuntu 23.04
Ubuntu 23.10
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Ubuntu 16.04
Ubuntu 22.10
Linux Mint 20.3
Ubuntu 20.10
Zorin OS 15