Open Syobon Action (オープンしょぼんのアクション)

Open Syobon Action (オープンしょぼんのアクション)

Install latest/stable of Open Syobon Action (オープンしょぼんのアクション)

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Install using the command line

sudo snap install open-syobon-action

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Channel Version Published

An open-source cross-platform port of the unforgiving Japanese platformer

Open Syobon Action (オープンしょぼんのアクション) is an open-source cross-platform port of the unforgiving Japanese platformer using SDL.

It is also called "Shobon no Action," "Neko Mario," "Cat Mario," or "Cat MeOUCHio."


  • Rather than just playing this game by yourself, it is much more enjoyable to let someone who's never tried it before try playing the game.
  • Those who are under 12 years old are not allowed to play.
  • Please be aware that by playing this game, there is a possibility that you may develop trust issues towards other humans.
  • Please be aware that there is a possibility of getting stressed out while playing this game.
  • If any problems are caused by this game, please understand that the developers cannot take any responsibility.
  • If you wish to distribute this game to a large amount of people, please give credit to the original developer, Chiku (ちく).
  • The game's text is entirely in Japanese, but you do not need to understand the Japanese language in order to play.

Controls (Keyboard)

  • Left/Right: Move
  • Z or Up: Jump
  • Space: Double-speed
  • 0 (while in-game): Self-destruction
  • Escape: Exit
  • F1: Return to title screen
  • 1-9 (while at the title screen): Select level
  • 0 at the title screen: Mystery Dungeon (there is a possibility that some bugs may occur)


Please report any bugs at the snap's issue tracker:

This snap is maintained by the Snapcrafters community and is not endorsed or officially maintained by the upstream developers.

Command Line Arguments

-nosound - Disables sound

Details for Open Syobon Action (オープンしょぼんのアクション)

  • Other Open Source

Last updated
  • 18 August 2024 - latest/stable
  • 18 August 2024 - latest/beta



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