Paratext Lite

Install latest/stable of Paratext Lite

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Install using the command line

sudo snap install paratextlite

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Channel Version Published

Paratext Lite running on the desktop

NOTE: This app is intended to be used in conjunction with Paratext and requires a Paratext registration code.

Key features:

  • Compatibility: Paratext Lite is compatible with all current versions of Paratext 8 and 9.
  • Portable and low power: Paratext Lite allows users of Paratext 8 and 9 to read and edit their project data on an Android tablet, phone, or Linux or MacOS computer. This is useful for comprehension checking and for simple editing comparable to what can be done in Paratext's Basic view.
  • Projects and resources can be installed on the device.
  • Editing is supported for existing projects only. By default markers cannot be inserted, so only verses and footnotes which already exist can be edited. For more advanced users, marker inserting and editing can be enabled.
  • Notes can be browsed, created, assigned, replied to, and resolved.
  • Send/Receive is supported via wifi internet connection. The full project data is synced, but Paratext Lite can only display the text and the notes. Some tablet models are able to Send/Receive to a USB drive or SD card; others are not. Projects can also be synced between devices by way of Wifi-Direct, this does not require an internet connection. Local network Send / Receive with Chorus Hub is not supported.
  • Points in project history can be created and viewed in a list, but their content cannot, and different points in history cannot be compared.
  • Multiple panes allow up to four panes of content to be open at a time. Panes can be temporarily collapsed to make better use of limited screen space. Additionally 3 workspaces allow up to 12 panes of content.
  • Text collections, Word lists and Biblical terms.
  • Display mode can be toggled between showing up to four panes at once or up to two panes at once (swipe left or right to switch columns).
  • Sync scrolling: By default, all text panes shown on screen scroll together when you tap in a verse.
  • Searching: "Find" is supported; "Replace" is not.
  • Consultant Notes
  • Parallel passages
  • MyTasks: Interact with project plans.
  • Basic Checks
  • Source Language Tools
  • Dictionaries
  • Interlinear creation
  • Back translation status Annotations
  • Graphite support: (Linux + MacOS only)
  • Open type font features
  • Limitations: Some other features are only available when running full Paratext.

Paratext Lite is developed with the Linux Bible Translation community in mind. Representatives from this community meet regularly with a development team member to prioritise development and to forward community recommendations about the priorities of fixing bugs and nuisances.


Paratext Lite for Android can be found here:


Paratext Lite for Apple Computers can be found here:

Details for Paratext Lite

  • unset

Last updated
  • 28 October 2024 - latest/stable
  • Yesterday - latest/edge



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Where people are using Paratext Lite

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 24.10