Pigs and Cows

Install latest/stable of Pigs and Cows

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install pigs-n-cows

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Channel Version Published

Casual endless game

Small children's game done in a morning. It was based around the idea of a casual game where you cannot lose.

How to play

  • up-down to aim.
  • left-right to toggle between pigs and cows (pigs fly further, cows grant more points).
  • hold and release space to launch.
  • aim for the incoming ballons.
  • hit more than one ballon with the same animal to rack up combo points.
  • cows grant more points than pigs, but cannot fly as far.
  • fill up the score bar to raise the maximum number of animals.

the game never ends, just chill.

Details for Pigs and Cows

  • unset

Last updated
  • 26 February 2024 - latest/stable

Source code

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Where people are using Pigs and Cows