Bringing minds together through Q&A

Bringing minds together through Q&A

Install latest/stable of Bringing minds together through Q&A

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install qanda-link

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Channel Version Published

Qanda links content on web pages and PDF documents to questions and answers

Qanda aims to provide readers and authors with the most engaging platform to exchange questions & answers within documents (PDFs/web pages) without the need of the cloud. Just open your local PDF or any webpage in Qanda and you will see questions and answers that other Qanda users have posted in there! Receive notifications when there is a new question in a document that you subscribed to. Go to the most up-voted question, help improving an existing answer, have a follow-up conversation, and so much more. All packaged in a modern and stylish app with real-time updates.

Details for Bringing minds together through Q&A

  • Proprietary

Last updated
  • 26 February 2022 - latest/stable
  • 23 September 2021 - latest/beta



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Install Bringing minds together through Q&A on your Linux distribution

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Where people are using Bringing minds together through Q&A