
Install latest/stable of qtencodegui

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Channel Version Published

NGC Gui Test Launch

This is an application that helps utilize ffmpeg, specifically for the NGCodec IP. It provides you with widgets to change ffmpeg's settings in an intuitive manner, which it then reads and uses to build various shell scripts that call ffmpeg with the settings you want. Because NGCodec's codecs run on an FPGA, the application is not useful unless you have access to an FPGA with the necessary xclbin and properly configured ffmpeg executables. The app will, however, build the scripts regardless, so it can be useful if all you want to see is the ffmpeg syntax.

The scripts are stored in /var/snap/qtencodegui/current/helper_dir/Scripts/ FFmpeg/ Stream/ DASH/ respectively.

Details for qtencodegui

  • unset

Last updated
  • 24 April 2019 - latest/stable
  • 24 April 2019 - latest/edge


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Where people are using qtencodegui

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 24.04