Rickrack (Color Palette Generator)

Rickrack (Color Palette Generator)

Eigenmiao Publisher

Install latest/stable of Rickrack (Color Palette Generator)

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install rickrack

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Channel Version Published

Generate harmonious colors freely.

Rickrack (中文名称:焰火十二卷) is a free and open-source color palette generator. It provides various functionalities to generate a harmonious set of colors, offering you better color combination options. You can easily obtain the desired color combinations through color wheel selection, color picking from images, and more. It offers support for various color palette formats like aco, ase, gpl, and xml, making them easily importable into popular image processing software such as Photoshop, Clip Studio Paint, GIMP, Krita, and Inkscape. You can apply these colors to your own creations or share them with others.

Rickrack supports multiple languages, such as English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish, and Esperanto. Rickrack can run normally on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Details for Rickrack (Color Palette Generator)

  • GPL-3.0+

Last updated
  • 24 February 2024 - latest/stable



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Install Rickrack (Color Palette Generator) on your Linux distribution

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