Superbike Xtreme

Superbike Xtreme

Dadu042 Publisher

Install latest/stable of Superbike Xtreme

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sudo snap install superbike-xtreme

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Channel Version Published

Moto racing game

GPU Warning: because made with Unreal Engine > 4.1 (that drops OpenGL support) this game requires a recent Vulkan GPU/IGP.

Moto racing game inspired by the greatest arcade racer ever to hit the PC market: MotoRacer 1. Donationware.


  • Reviving the arcade feel of memorable racing experiences from the 90's.
  • A perfect combination of high-speed and pixel precision turn taking.
  • Keeping your heartbeat at its peak the whole time!
  • Stunning graphics thanks to the awesomeness of Unreal Engine 4.
  • Emphasis on fun factor, which will keep you playing for a long time.
  • Re-creates the classic arcade feel.
  • Limitless fun.

Details for Superbike Xtreme

  • unset

Last updated
  • 20 October 2024 - latest/stable



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Where people are using Superbike Xtreme

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 24.10
Ubuntu 18.04