The Seventh Door

Install latest/stable of The Seventh Door

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sudo snap install the-seventh-door

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Channel Version Published

"The Seventh Door" is a completed group project made by the Famas community.

"The Seventh Door" is a completed group project made by the Famas community. The goal was for each member of the team to take turns developing each sequence in the game, improvising the story and diversifying the gameplay as they pleased. As such, the first segment of the game was developed by one participant and then handed off to the next one who would then test it and also develop the next part. They would then also take the plot in whatever direction they wanted before handing the project off to the particpant after them. This continued until the game was finished. Participants were encouraged to express their own style.

Details for The Seventh Door

  • unset

Last updated
  • 19 April 2023 - latest/stable
  • 27 January 2024 - latest/edge



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