Install latest/stable of thomir says

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install thomir-says

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Channel Version Published

What does Thomi say?

A simple test snap to verify that deltas work as expected.

Details for thomir says

  • NCSA OR OFL-1.0 OR OFL-1.1 OR Python-2.0 OR QPL-1.0 OR QUE-1.1 OR Qhull OR RHeCos-1.1 OR RPL-1.1 OR RPL-1.5 OR RPSL-1.0 OR RSA-MD OR RSCPL OR Rdisc OR Ruby OR SAX-PD OR SCEA OR SGI-B-1.0 OR SGI-B-1.1 OR SGI-B-2.0 OR SISSL OR SISSL-1.2 OR SMLNJ OR SMPPL OR SNIA OR SPL-1.0 OR SWL OR Saxpath OR Sendmail OR SimPL-2.0 OR Sleepycat OR Spencer-86 OR Spencer-94 OR Spencer-99 OR SugarCRM-1.1.3 OR T OR TCL OR TMate OR TOSL OR UPL-1.0 OR Unicode-TOU OR Unlicense OR VOSTROM OR Vim OR W3C-19980720 OR Watcom-1.0 OR Zimbra-1.4 OR Zlib OR psutils OR zlib-acknowledgement

Last updated
  • 6 June 2017 - latest/stable
  • 31 May 2017 - latest/edge

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Install thomir says on your Linux distribution

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