

MadCatMining Publisher

Install latest/stable of vanillacash

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Channel Version Published

Vanillacash Wallet

Vanillacash = V(anilla)cash = Vcash

A decentralized currency for the internet.

This release is the first code update since 2018, with primary aim of democratizing mining (by utilizing new, ASIC-resistant algo) and introducing atomic swaps (BIP-65) compatibility.

New to this version / Major differences between this and previous version(s):

 Algo changed to HMQ1725, with benefit of CPU-friendly mining
 Elimination of the non-funcioning / defunct masternode functionality
 Restoration of a more democratic and fair, UTXO-based staking mechanism

The new code will be compatible with multitude of modern platforms, eliminating problems related to exchange / DEX / multi-wallet / ElectrumX incompatibilities.

Details for vanillacash

  • MIT

Last updated
  • 25 July 2024 - latest/stable
  • 25 July 2024 - latest/edge


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Where people are using vanillacash

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04