Install latest/stable of victoriametrics

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Install using the command line

sudo snap install victoriametrics

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Channel Version Published

VictoriaMetrics is fast, cost-effective and scalable time-series database.

  • VictoriaMetrics can be used as long-term storage for Prometheus or for vmagent. See [these docs](#prometheus-setup) for details.

    • Supports Prometheus querying API, so it can be used as Prometheus drop-in replacement in Grafana.

    VictoriaMetrics implements MetricsQL, query language, which is inspired by PromQL.

    • Supports global query view. Multiple Prometheus instances may write data into VictoriaMetrics. Later this data may be used in a single query.

    • High performance and good scalability for both inserts and selects.

    • High data compression, so up to 70x more data points may be crammed into limited storage comparing to TimescaleDB.

    • Optimized for storage with high-latency IO and low IOPS (HDD and network storage in AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, etc).

    • A single-node VictoriaMetrics may substitute moderately sized clusters built with competing solutions such as Thanos, M3DB, Cortex, InfluxDB or TimescaleDB.

    • Easy operation:

      • VictoriaMetrics consists of a single without external dependencies.
      • All the configuration is done via explicit command-line flags with reasonable defaults.
      • All the data is stored in a single directory pointed by -storageDataPath flag.
      • Easy and fast backups from

      to S3 or GCS with [vmbackup] / [vmrestore].

    • Storage is protected from corruption on unclean shutdown (i.e. OOM, hardware reset or kill -9) thanks to the storage architecture.

    • Supports metrics' scraping, ingestion and backfilling via the following protocols:

      • [Metrics from Prometheus exporters] such as node_exporter.
        • Prometheus remote write API(
        • InfluxDB line protocol over HTTP, TCP and UDP.
        • Graphite plaintext protocol
        if -graphiteListenAddr is set.
        • OpenTSDB put message, if -opentsdbListenAddr is set.
        • HTTP OpenTSDB /api/put requests, if -opentsdbHTTPListenAddr is set.
        • JSON line format.
        • Native binary format.
        • Prometheus exposition format.
        • Arbitrary CSV data.
    • Supports metrics' relabeling. See [these docs](#relabeling) for details.

    • Ideally works with big amounts of time series data from Kubernetes, IoT sensors, connected cars, industrial telemetry, financial data and various Enterprise workloads.

    • Has open source cluster version (

    • Configuration management

    • Prometheus scrape config can be edited with your favorite editor, its located at vi /var/snap/victoriametrics/current/etc/victoriametrics-scrape-config.yaml after changes, you can trigger config reread with curl localhost:8248/-/reload.

    • Configuration tuning is possible with editing extra_flags: `echo 'FLAGS="-selfScrapeInterval=10s -search.logSlowQueryDuration=20s"' > /var/snap/victoriametrics/current/extra_flags snap restart victoriametrics`

    • Data folder located at /var/snap/victoriametrics/current/var/lib/victoriametrics/.

Details for victoriametrics

  • Apache-2.0

Last updated
  • 25 July 2024 - latest/stable
  • 25 July 2024 - latest/edge



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Where people are using victoriametrics

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 18.04
Debian 11
Debian 12
CentOS 7
Debian 10