
Install latest/stable of WizardWizard

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install wizardwizard

Don't have snapd? Get set up for snaps.

Channel Version Published

You're a Wizard, you can't do magic but you can jump pretty good!

WizardWizard is a challenging and addicting platformer with tight controls and simple mechanics. The game play is complimented by beautiful pixel graphics and awesome beats by the talented producer _TWC. WizardWizard is easy to pick up and play making for a fun social experience at school or on at a lunch break. WizardWizard is a game with a lot of love and character that will kick your butt and drive you to tears... I hope anyway. Please enjoy :)

Peace and love, Crateboy

Details for WizardWizard

  • unset

Last updated
  • 4 May 2023 - latest/stable
  • 4 May 2023 - latest/edge



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Install WizardWizard on your Linux distribution

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