World of PADMAN

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Channel Version Published

Incredibly carefully designed and colorful freeware fun shooter for young and young-at-heart people

From the earliest PadMaps for Q3A came the mod PadWorld, followed by the next colorful evolution, World of PADMAN. Developed and headed by cartoonist and illustrator ENTE, PadWorld Entertainment presents a freeware fun shooter, that's powered by an extended id-Tech3 graphics engine.

WoP is the domain of ENTE's comic strip super-hero PADMAN and his motley crew. It's their mission to make your game with some seriously addictive fun, whatever your skill level and whatever character role you jump into.

Over the years maps have been revamped, bots improved, Killerducks kept hungry, weapons re-polished and much more! In all, there are 24 maps. Each supports up to 7 game types, comprising WoP's unique Spray Your Color, Last Pad Standing, Big Balloon, and of course Capture The Lolly. Meet scaled-up and richly detailed environments of everyday places, where imaginative characters go berserk with an array of colorful plastic weaponry and powerups. Start rockin' to the soundtrack of Dieselkopf, and Neurological and listen to the Pad-Anthem, performed by Green Sun. So, grab your earphones!

Not enough human players on public servers? Practice with bots and join the community on the official PadWorld server for the Padday community events every first Sunday of a month 7:00pm (CET).

Use "WoP File Manager" to add additional maps to the game folder.

  • Game Code - GPL v2.0
  • Game Assets - Proprietary

For more information about copyright, visit

Details for World of PADMAN

  • GPL-2.0-only OR Proprietary

Last updated
  • 28 November 2021 - latest/stable



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Where people are using World of PADMAN

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 24.10