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Install latest/stable of wp-plugin-updater

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Updates and Archives WordPress Plugin

This tool is designed for WordPress developers to streamline the process of updating and managing plugins. It simplifies the workflow by allowing developers to archive old versions of plugins and update them directly from a designated folder without needing to run a local server.

Developers can easily upload the latest plugin versions, avoiding the manual process of searching, downloading, and installing them via the WordPress dashboard. This tool automates archiving older plugin versions and replacing them with the latest updates, ensuring developers always have access to current versions for their projects.

Instruction First Select the plugin directory ( users your plugin folder located)

└── wp-content
    └── plugins

Then select the backup directory Where the backup files will be saved..

How it can be useful... If you are a developer you may already downloaded a lot of plugin.... Instead of search and install you may install by uploading... With this application you will able to update you downloaded plugin to the latest version and archive the older version.

When you select the plugins folder ( make sure plugins are unzipped) After updated with this program.. that will automatically create a folder updated_plugin( zipped version) in the plugins directory.. which you can upload to your current WordPress development....

GitHub: https://github.com/01one/wpPluginUpdaterArchiver

Details for wp-plugin-updater

  • MIT

Last updated
  • 17 September 2024 - latest/stable

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Where people are using wp-plugin-updater