
Install latest/stable of deerportal

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Channel Version Published

A multiplayer board game driven by the four classical elements and the almighty Deer God

Deer Portal is a board game where you need to transfer yourself into the Deer God. To be allowed to pass the transformation you need to gift the Almighty Deer. The Almighty Deer likes shiny things, so collecting diamonds is a way to please him. A player who owns most diamonds on the Judgement Day - is a winner. The rest is being thrown into the flames of the infinitive, filled with collapsed realities folded in time void. Diamonds are being collected by moving the character onto the field containing a diamond, but also by grabbing a runes containing diamond action.

This is a video game release, but we are working on paper publishing as well.

Good luck! Let us know how we can improve our game :)

Details for deerportal

  • Zlib

Last updated
  • 15 October 2019 - latest/stable
  • 11 May 2018 - latest/edge



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Where people are using deerportal

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Ubuntu 24.04