Install latest/stable of gum

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Channel Version Published

Gum is a Gradle/Maven/Ant/Bach/JBang wrapper written in Go

Gum is a Gradle/Maven/Ant/Bach/JBang wrapper written in Go, inspired in and Gum automatically detects if the project is Gradle, Maven, Ant, Bach, or JBang based and runs the appropriate command. However in the case that Gum guesses wrong you can force a specific build tool to be used. Similarly as gdub, Gum lets you invoke either Gradle, Maven, or Ant from anywhere within the project structure, not just the root directory.


Gum supports the following flags

  • -ga force Ant execution
  • -gb force Bach execution
  • -gc displays current configuration and quits
  • -gd displays debug information
  • -gg force Gradle build
  • -gh displays help information
  • -gj force JBang execution
  • -gm force Maven build
  • -gn executes nearest build file
  • -gq run gm in quiet mode
  • -gr do not replace goals/tasks
  • -gv displays version information

Gum will execute the build based on the root build file unless -gn is specified, in which case the nearest build file will be selected. If a specific build file is given (-b, --build-file for Gradle; -f, --file for Maven, -f, -file, -buildfile for Ant) then that file will be used instead.

Details for gum

  • Apache-2.0

Last updated
  • 15 December 2023 - latest/stable
  • 15 December 2023 - latest/edge



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Where people are using gum

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 24.10
Debian 12
Ubuntu 18.04