A simple and elegant open-source markdown editor that is focused on speed and usability.
MarkText is a cross-platform, next generation markdown editor that focuses on speed and usability. It has features such as:
- Real-time preview (WYSIWYG) and a clean and simple interface to get a distraction-free writing experience.
- Support CommonMark Spec, GitHub Flavored Markdown Spec and selective support Pandoc markdown.
- Markdown extensions such as math expressions (KaTeX), front matter and emojis.
- Support paragraphs and inline style shortcuts to improve your writing efficiency.
- Output HTML and PDF files.
- Various themes: Cadmium Light, Material Dark etc.
- Various editing modes: Source Code mode, Typewriter mode, Focus mode.
- Paste images directly from clipboard.
Completely free and open-source forever!
Main development repository for MarkText application (not the snap package): https://github.com/marktext/marktext