ROS node that turns your robot into a web server to visualize ROS topics
ROS node that runs a web server on your robot. Run the node,
point your web browser at http://your-robot-ip:8888/ and you get nice visualizations.
Mobile friendly. Designed so you can walk around next to your robot with a phone while viewing ROS topics.
Light weight. Doesn't depending on much. Consumes extremely little resources when it's not actually being used.
Easily extensible. Easily code a visualization for a custom type by only adding only one .js file and referencing it inside the top of index.js.
You can run it on your desktop too and play a ROS bag.
Also be sure to check out my terminal visualization tool, rosshow at
After installation, you can immediately run it and visualize your ROS topics with:
All ROS topics visualizers are readily available.
Note: the following is optional and only necessary if you use the related visualizers.
In order to display the core temperatures in the 'SYSTEM: System stats' visualizer,
you need to connect the snap hardware-observe
interface as follows:
snap connect rosboard:hardware-observe