

Alan Pope (popey) Publisher Star developer Star developer

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Channel Version Published

Cross-platform ncurses Spotify client written in Rust

ncurses Spotify client written in Rust using librespot. It is heavily inspired by ncurses MPD clients, such as ncmpc. My motivation was to provide a simple and resource friendly alternative to the official client as well as to support platforms that currently don't have a Spotify client, such as the *BSDs.

** Key Bindings **

These keybindings are hardcoded for now. In the future it may be desirable to have them configurable.

  • ? show help screen
  • Navigate through the screens using the F-keys:
    • F1: Queue
      • c clears the entire queue
      • d deletes the currently selected track
      • Ctrl-s opens a dialog to save the queue to a playlist
    • F2: Search
    • F3: Library
      • d deletes the currently selected playlist
  • Tracks and playlists can be played using Return and queued using Space
  • s will save, d will remove the currently selected track to/from your library
  • o will open a detail view or context menu for the selected item
  • Shift-o will open a context menu for the currently playing track
  • a will open the album view for the selected item
  • A will open the artist view for the selected item
  • Backspace closes the current view
  • Shift-p toggles playback of a track
  • Shift-s stops a track
  • Shift-u updates the library cache (tracks, artists, albums, playlists)
  • < and > play the previous or next track
  • f and b to seek forward or backward
  • Shift-f and Shift-b to seek forward or backward in steps of 10s
  • - and + decrease or increase the volume
  • r to toggle repeat mode
  • z to toggle shuffle playback
  • q quits ncspot
  • x copies a sharable URL of the song to the system clipboard
  • Shift-x copies a sharable URL of the currently selected item to the system clipboard

You can also open a Vim style commandprompt using :, the following commands are supported:

  • quit: Quit ncspot
  • toggle: Toggle playback
  • stop: Stop playback
  • previous/next: Play previous/next track
  • clear: Clear playlist
  • share [current | selected]: Copies a sharable URL of either the selected item or the currernt song to the system clipboard

The screens can be opened with queue, search, playlists and log, whereas search can be supplied with a search term that will be entered after opening the search view.

** Configuration **

Configuration is saved to ~/snap/ncspot/current/.config/ncspot/config.toml. Possible configuration values are:

  • use_nerdfont: Turn nerdfont glyphs on/off <true/false>
  • theme: Set a custom color palette (see below)

Keybindings can be configured in [keybindings] section in config.toml, e.g. as such:

 "Shift+i" = "seek +10000"

See the help screen by pressing ? for a list of possible commands.

ncspot will respect system proxy settings defined via the http_proxy environment variable.

Unofficial snap published with ♥ by Alan Pope, Dustin Krysak and Martin Wimpress. Snapcraft yaml can be found at Built from the upstream source at

Details for ncspot

  • BSD-2-Clause

Last updated
  • 3 December 2024 - latest/stable
  • 1 November 2024 - latest/edge


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