Install latest/stable of rockscissorspaperlizardspock-snap
Ubuntu 16.04 or later?
Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.
Install using the command line
sudo snap install rockscissorspaperlizardspock-snap
Don't have snapd? Get set up for snaps.
This cheap and cheerful version of the 'Rock Paper Scissors Spock Lizard' game (invented by Sam Kass and Karen Bryla) lets you play against a friend with minimal risk of cheating and, handily, tells you who won in case you're unfamiliar with the extended rules...
This is a slight reworking of the sTOnSCipAP game made with qml and the Ubuntu SDK. It reuses most of the same code, pictures and sounds but with added Lizards & Spocks.
It didn't seem all that interesting to play as 'Player 1' and 'Player 2' so I have appropriated Lune and Wolfman from my friend's comic instead. Many thanks to Wolfman for his drawings -
It's been 'snapped' using the Snapcraft option from the Ubuntu SDK but with 'pulseaudio' added to the 'plugs:' to allow sounds (assuming pulseaudio is available).
The 'Click' version uses pageStack to switch between the main game page and 'Settings & Info'. The snap of this, however, gave a root page back button that crashes the program if clicked, so as a temporary workaround have changed from using pageStack to having two 'pagewrappers' and using 'pagewrapper.visible = true' and 'pagewrapper.visible = false' to 'switch pages' instead.
(Running the same code on the SDK Desktop build or armhf build doesn't give the same 'root page back button' problem, but the Snapcraft SDK option is under development at the moment so I imagine it'll be fixed in future versions)
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