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I. V2ray Tauri
V2ray GUI client with cross-platform desktop support powered by Tauri, made especially for Linux / Windows / MacOS users.
➣ Tested on
➣ Future test plan
II. Features
➣ Supported (TODO List)
[x] PAC Mode
[x] Global Mode
[x] Manual Mode
[x] HTTP(S) Proxy
export http_proxy=""
export https_proxy=""
are deeply recommended.[x] Clipboard
[ ] QR-code Import
[ ] Subscription Import
[x] Language Switching Chinese (zh-CN) / English (en-US) / Russian (ru-RU) / Spanish (es-ES) / French (fr-FR) / German (de-DE) / Japanese (ja-JP) / Korean (ko-KR) / Farsi (fa-IR)
[ ] Configuration Backup / Recovery
[x] Dark / Light Mode
[x] Auto Start (Not supported on Linux)
[x] Server Share
[x] Activity Logs
[x] Support Shadowsocks/VMess/Hysteria2/Trojan Import
➣ In Testing
IV. Supported Platforms & Arch
> More architectures will be supported if necessary, just give me an issue.
(Coming Soon)x64/arm64
(arm64 Coming Soon)x64/arm64
x64/arm64(Easy Intall On SnapStore)
MacOS (M1+, Intel)
Windows 10/11
➣ Why
This project was heavily inspired by yanue/V2rayU, which uses packed v2ray-core to avoid complex installation with native O-C code. But it is not intuitive to use. Only support macOS.
I work with different operating systems that need a proxy environment, and I hope the app has a little bit of a user interface and it has to be cross-platform.
Hence, the app is created. Welcome to pull or make PR.
➣ Sponsor
Life is hard. Maybe a coffee would help.❤️❤️🙏🙏💪💪
➣ Credit
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