Install latest/stable of GovOpps

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Install using the command line

sudo snap install government-contracting-opportunities

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Channel Version Published

Find Government Contracting Opportunities

Find your next government contract through API.SAM.GOV, which requires a FREE API key and registration with SAM.GOV.

You can search by keyword on the Find Opportunities page, or by your NAICS code on the home page. You also can see what your competitors are engaging through the competitor insight listing. This listing provides the NAICS of your competitors, those businesses; using the same NAICS codes as you.. You can also perform a search directly on the NAICS codes and view the individual results on

Details for GovOpps

  • CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0

Last updated
  • 12 October 2022 - latest/stable




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Where people are using GovOpps