
Install latest/stable of PathPlanner

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Install using the command line

sudo snap install pathplanner

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Channel Version Published

A simple yet powerful motion profile generator for FRC robots

PathPlanner is a motion profile generator for FRC robots created by team 3015. Every path allows for manual tuning of the robot position and the curve radius at every point. It allows you to create the perfect path for your robot quicker and easier than other generators. Path Planner can handle more complex paths than other generators because it will slow down the robot as it heads into a turn instead of going through it as fast as possible. Inspiration came from Vannaka's Generator which uses Jaci's PathFinder. We used it during the 2018 season but struggled to create complex paths that the robot could follow accurately due to the high speed turns.

Details for PathPlanner

  • MIT

Last updated
  • 5 April 2019 - latest/stable


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Where people are using PathPlanner

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04