

Sonosaurus Publisher

Install latest/stable of sonobus

Ubuntu 16.04 or later?

Make sure snap support is enabled in your Desktop store.

Install using the command line

sudo snap install sonobus

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Channel Version Published


SonoBus is an easy to use application for streaming high-quality, low-latency peer-to-peer audio between devices over the internet or a local network. Simply choose a unique group name (with optional password), and instantly connect multiple people together to make music, remote sessions, podcasts, etc. Easily record the audio from everyone, as well as playback any audio content to the whole group. Connects multiple users together to send and receive audio among all in a group, with fine-grained control over latency, quality and overall mix. Includes optional input compression, noise gate, and EQ effects, along with a master reverb. All settings are dynamic, network statistics are clearly visible.

Details for sonobus

  • GPL-3.0

Last updated
  • 11 December 2023 - latest/stable
  • 11 December 2023 - latest/candidate



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Install sonobus on your Linux distribution

Choose your Linux distribution to get detailed installation instructions. If yours is not shown, get more details on the installing snapd documentation.

Where people are using sonobus

Users by distribution (log)

Ubuntu 24.04
Ubuntu 22.04
Ubuntu 20.04
Ubuntu 24.10
Ubuntu 18.04
Debian 12
Fedora 41
Debian 11
Linux Mint 21.3
Raspbian 11
Fedora 40
Raspbian 12
Raspbian 10
Zorin OS 17
Ubuntu 23.04